Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wow, the time has sure gone by. Thank you for continuing your prayers for Chris and Jen. This is the latest:

Saw neurologists in October. They said they could not be sure if he had a seizure or stroke or ? back in July. They said he is doing so good!

Had another MRI in October. When we went to see the oncologist, I stated, "He's living miracle, wouldn't you say?" The Dr. stammered and quickly asked if Chris had a specialized test which gives a pretty good indicator of prognosis. He looked it up and Chris did not do well on that test, further giving God the glory. When people do well on the test they usually have something called pseudo progression, which Chris seems to have though he did not do well on the test.

He is in school now, taking 3 classes. One is photo shop and he really is enjoying it.

Jen finished 6 rounds of chemo. Her bone marrow was being affected and since she was at least two chemos past having a clear CT scan, she was able to be done! Her hair has already started to come back. Her Dr. recommended radiation, so Jen went for a second opinion. That Dr. said Jen had a weird shaped tumor. He also thought that she had Primary Mediastinal B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (bulky) instead of Bulky diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. What this means is that she may have a better prognosis than having the latter. They re-tested her biopsy (from May) and were not conclusive on which diagnosis it is. The Primary Mediastinal (which fit Jen's symptoms) is a sub-type of the original diagnosis.

She gets ready for radiation treatments tomorrow. We are hoping it is the tomotherapy type of radiation, as it will target the tumor area more specifically and hopefully spare her organs & bone marrow. The heart is of special concern with radiation. She will have 17 treatments.

We thank you again for the many prayers and ask that you continue on behalf of Jen and Chris.