Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tough News

We received a call from the specialist today that Chris has a grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme. This is the fastest growing tumor and very difficult to treat. This now means that Chris will have to have chemo along with the radiation. He also is qualified to be in a clinical trial. They want to make him like the Hulk. Literally the medication they are wanting him to try (which will make him radiation sensitive)will make him turn greenish. Once it is stopped he will turn back to a normal color. We are definately in unknown territory! Sounds like a tough road ahead. We are so thankful for your continued prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good and dear Chris. As one who is admired and respected and loved by so many, aware that you remain in the minds and hearts and prayers of all, you have been remarkably considerate in keeping everyone up to date on every new development through your web link. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Each member of your community of friends is like a member of an extended family, pulling for you continually.

Janice and Reed Andrew