Monday, March 16, 2009

Benefit Success!/**Home Visit Update**

Wow, what a wonderful Benefit! We would like to thank each one who had a part in putting this together. So many people came out to show their love and support and we were really blessed. We cannot begin to express our appreciation to all of you. Chris really enjoyed being there, seeing everyone, and performing with the Barefoot Soldiers once again. It was a joy to listen to and we were impressed with each of the bands (Trailer Kings, Audio*Otic, and Muzzy Luctin) who donated their time and talents. The silent auction was a big hit. Everything was so well was impressive. Chris' friends and friends of friends are really amazing. Their hard work, positive attitude, deep caring have been evident to us and we are truly touched. Extended family being together, their incredible generosity and fantastic slide show were more than we could've ever dreamed of. It is wonderful to have such dear friends who stand behind you at such times. Friends who give up their time...what a gift! Thank you!

Rockin for the Cas was really great! The Cas was really "Rockin!"

We were so happy that Chris was well enough to enjoy the whole evening. He now has had to have more platelets (to help with clotting), and his white blood cells are not working as well, so they have issued a "no children" over for the time being, and if anyone has been around someone who is not feeling well, if you could wait a bit before coming over. Guess we have to enforce the sanitzer again!!! :~)


Anonymous said...

Chris, Rockin for the Cas was more than I could have ever dreamed and my thanks goes out to everyone as well. What a night, I think I am still in shock with how well it went! I hope you had a great time and look forward to talking with you about it more. Sadly Mason is still giving us back the food he eats so Nick and I will not be able to come up this evening, not only to aviod donating the flu bug to you but becuase I am up to my elbows in bedding to wash. Although we will give a call to chat abotu tourney watchen plans. Hope all is well, miss you buddy......

Anonymous said...

Also Nick's dad posted some of Chris' performance to YouTube for your viewing enjoyment.